Black Antelope Law

Black Antelope Law

Our expert family lawyers are experienced in handling disputes in a sensitive and solution-focused way and we follow the Resolution Code of Practice. We understand the raw emotions that are involved following a relationship breakdown and the need for parties and their families to create stability and move forward.

Our lawyers can be trusted to advise on and explore the full range of dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, negotiated settlement or litigation through the Family Court. We specialise in the full range of private family law disputes including:

  • Child arrangements orders to determine with whom a child should live with and how much time, if any, they should spend with the non-resident parent (child contact).
  • Children Act 1989 proceedings for specific issue orders.
  • Divorce and financial relief proceedings following divorce.
  • Family Law Act 1996 injunctions for non-molestation orders; occupation orders and transfers of tenancy.
  • Enforcement applications

London Office: 238 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB 

Hertfordshire Office: The Pixmore Business Centre, Pixmore Avenue, Herts SG6 1JG

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Filed under: Law Firms