Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful site for separated family. I have dealt with a lot of harassing text from my ex and tried so hard to not respond to them. I even went as far as e-mailing all of them to my lawyer as he was blowing up my phone! I no longer have to deal with the accusations on how im living my life and what he thinks im doing or accusing me of being around a bunch of men!!!! we now have a record of EVERYTHING! I think the courts should have all custody/visitation cases use the family wizard because it would keep the parents out of the courts !!!!! It is well worth the $90.00 a year! I recommend this site to every one even if you feel you don't need it because you get along with your ex its still a good tool to use due the fact that you can keep track of your expenses for your children, doctor appointments, school and anything else of importance.