Check-Ins in the OurFamilyWizard Journal
Learn how to manage and view Check-Ins with the following tutorial. For help with managing Moments, click here.
In this tutorial:

Creating a Check-In
Note: Via the website, you can only create a Check-In if you are logged in via a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet.
To create a Check-In via the website on a mobile device:
- From the main navigation menu, select Journal.
- Click the blue plus icon. In the Add Item menu, select Check-In.
- You will be immediately prompted to select a location. The location you select must be within 500 ft (152.4 meters) of your current physical location. Use the map to move the cursor to the location you wish to tag or click Search to search for the address. Click the location you wish to tag from the list below the map to select it.
- Once you're ready, tap Select This Location to make your selection.
- Choose whether you'd like to keep your entry private or share it with other family members or practitioners. Your entry will default to private, but you can adjust this by clicking within the section for Sharing then tap Share.
Select any family members with whom you'd like to share your Check-In, then tap Done to save your selection. Any entry you share will be viewable to any practitioners connected to your account. If you wish to only share your Check-In with your practitioner(s), do not select any family members from the list below and simply click Done. - If you wish to include notes with your entry, click within the field below where it says 'Start typing here...'. If you have ToneMeter™ activated for your account, look to the bottom-right corner of your screen to review its analysis of the content you have written in your Check-In. If the ToneMeter™ is coloured red, click the icon to view what has been flagged in your note.
You can also attach one or multiple photos and MyFiles to your entry. Click the paper clip icon to attach images from your phone's camera roll or file storage drive. Click the folder icon to select any of your MyFiles to associate with this entry. From either section, select Done to save your selection. - Click Save to save your Check-In.

Editing or Deleting Check-Ins
You can edit or delete Check-Ins that you created, but you cannot edit or delete Check-Ins created by your co-parent. You can edit or delete Check-Ins from a computer or mobile device.
- From the main navigation menu, select Journal.
- From the Journal, click the section for Check-Ins.
- Locate the Check-In you wish to edit or remove. You can also use the search function to run a keyword search for the entry in question. Once you've located the entry, click it to select it.
- To edit: Click the pencil icon towards the top of the screen. You can edit your sharing options, your note, and your attachments on this entry. You cannot edit the location tagged to your Check-In. Click Done to save your edits.
- To delete: Click the garbage can icon towards the top of your screen. A window will pop up to confirm your selection. Click Delete to delete your Check-In.

Viewing Check-In Details
- From the main navigation menu, select Journal.
- From the Journal, click the section for Check-Ins.
- Tap the Check-In you wish to view.
- If you wish to view more information about the location, click the map.
- A new tab or window will open in your web browser which will show you the address or coordinates in question on Google Maps.
- Click any of the images or MyFiles in this entry to download and view.
- Click View History at the bottom of the entry to view details about when the entry was created, edited, or marked as no longer private. For entries that are shared with your co-parent, you'll also see when the entry was previewed and viewed.
- First Previewed: This date/time signifies when your co-parent previewed the entry while viewing the Check-in or All lists within the Journal feature. By previewing the entry, they can view some information including the location of the Check-in, when it was created, and the first lines of the note included in the entry.
- First Viewed: This date/time signifies when your co-parent opened the Check-in entry. By opening an entry, they can view its complete details including the location of the Check-in, the complete history showing when the entry was created or edited, the complete note, and any attachments included with the entry.